SQL for Data Analytics
Delivered by Educate 360/New Horizons, August 26-28, 2024
Course Materials
Student Workstation set-up, Supplemental Lab Files, and Course Videos
The hands-on labs for this course can be completed on either a pre-configured, remote virtual machine or the student's local computer.
Azure Subscription: An Azure subscription is required. Free trial subscriptions will be more than adequate. If a student cannot sign up for a trial subscription, the cost of a pay-as-you-go subscription will be under $10 for the entire course.
Workstation Setup: Student workstation setup document.
Supplemental Lab Files: Download and unzip the Supplemental Lab Files to a suitable folder on either your local or remote workstation, such as c:\SQL_For_DA. The courseware assumes the files are located in the C:\SQL_For_DA folder, but they can be stored anywhere on the student workstation.
Course Videos:
How to create a Microsoft account and a free Azure Trial Subscription.
Playlist of Topic Presentations
Playlist of Lab Walk-throughs. Lab walk-through videos are annotated with no audio.